Sometimes You Have To Quit To Succeed
When you’re beating your head against a wall, it may just be time to quit. After all, repetitive head-wall collisions are not very productive, nor comfortable.This is true with anything in life....
View ArticleWhat Does Success Look Like?
I was walking a client out of the arena and doing the end-of-lesson list. I talked about the high points of the ride and things that made a positive difference. She has a wonderful young horse who...
View ArticleI Owe My Success to My Friends
This week, I learned that one of the reasons I am successful is that I have been lucky enough to have good friends. Specifically, good women friends. This past Monday I attended TEDx Columbia SC, an...
View ArticleLive Your Dreams - Now
The lights are low, illuminating the brick walls with a soft glow. The echoes of footfalls from well-heeled shoes bounce across the room then sink into crevices and corners. Beyond the oversized,...
View ArticleJust Add Water
I recently overheard the following exchange between a married couple in their mid-40s. As they settled their bill and prepared to leave the restaurant, they were discussing the social problems his...
View ArticleWhy Good Grades Don't Matter as Much as You Think
When I went to school, it was all about getting good grades. I complied. I graduated at the top of everything. Yet, when I entered the work world, very little of that mattered. A career is a whole...
View Article29 Motivational Quotes for Business and other Work Environments
Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz...
View ArticleSuccess: It's Not About the Destination
We've all read the quote about how it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Success is in the process, the road that leads to where we're going. Most of us nod our heads, agree, and then...
View ArticleHow Can A Woman Tell She Has Arrived?
As I am writing this I am watching Lift Every Voice on BET, which is featuring Peter Thomas and Kandi Buruss from Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA). Both provided authentic testimonies, and it was...
View ArticleAre You Threatened By Other People’s Success?
Mike RobbinsHow do you feel when you see or hear about the success of others? While it may depend on who it is, what they’ve accomplished, and how you’re feeling about your own life at the time – if...
View ArticleWork Vigorously to Make Your Business/Blog a Success
It is thrilling to work vigorously for the success of your business or blog. Entrepreneurs are forced to wear many hats in the course of running their businesses. They must be parent, counselor,...
View ArticleMake Your Business Successful - Work According To A Plan
It is thrilling to make your business successful by working according to a plan. Almost everyone has heard the expressions, "prepare for war in the time of peace" and "if you fail to plan, you plan to...
View ArticleHow To Link Happiness To Success.
Linking your happiness to your success is a process that requires intentional strategy. Nothing works right without a plan... Do you ever feel like happiness is on the other side of all the work...
View ArticleMotivation: Your Focus Promotes Fertility
"Wipe The Sleep From Your Eyes!!" I heard the clear authoritative command this morning as I drowsily mumbled a morning prayer. When we hear His word we automatically become more alert, but a part of...
View ArticleHow to Be a Successful Blogger
Once upon a time, I started a blog. The upon a time to which I am referring is May 2010, and my blog had a different name back then. I had no idea what I was doing, no idea what I was going to write...
View ArticleWhy Does Personal Development Fail?
*Reader Beware - TMI Alert* I hate to be one of those women, who complains about her period, but frankly, it sucks, big time. I learned recently it’s normal for your monthly cycles to become more...
View ArticleBusinesses Need to Step Up for Reproductive Health—Here’s How
On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court took away the right to control your own body. It overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion and ignoring nearly 50 years of precedent....
View ArticleWhat Is the STAR Interview Method? Here’s How It Can Help You Nab Your Next Job
All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors. However, Blogging Tips & Events for Content Creators Everywhere | Blogher may receive a commission on orders placed through...
View ArticleHow Black Creators Can Expand Their Network with LinkedIn
February is Black History Heritage Month, and as both a Black entrepreneur and LinkedIn Creator Manager, it’s important for me to reflect on my own journey and to use my platform to support, uplift,...
View ArticleFinding The Courage To Break Through The Glass Ceiling
We’ve all seen the stats: women comprise 47% of the workforce but only 6.2% of CEO roles. Even in 2023, we have work to do to level the playing field, narrow the gender gap, and transform the glass...
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